Step 1: Select the conditions and check through the specific accounts from the text box.Click Next and you will be asked “Under Which condition(s) do you want to check?”.Click “Apply rule on message I receive” from the “Start from a blank rule” From this menu, go to the “Email Rules tab” and then click on “New Rule Button” icon.Click the Rules Button List Arrow and select “Manage rules and alerts”.From the Outlook 2010, go to Home Tab and then Move Group.Method 2: Set the new Rule for notifications Enable all the notification options and close Settings.Now send yourself a test message and reopen the Setting app.
Select System and then from the left panel, click on “Notifications and Actions”.You can also click on Settings from the Start Menu to open this bar.From the bottom right corner, located next to the time of your device, click on Action Center and choose “All settings”.