Elder scrolls oblivion font
Elder scrolls oblivion font

elder scrolls oblivion font elder scrolls oblivion font

If your browser does not support inline frames (also known as iframes), then this site will not display correctly.This site is best viewed in, at least, 1024x768 resolution.If you use a browser other than these, then this site may not display correctly. This website has been coded with HTML in Notepad and tested in Opera 8 and Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4.

elder scrolls oblivion font

If you are using a Macintosh, then you are out of luck. After you download it, put it in your default fonts directory, usually c:\windows\fonts\ or c:\winnt\fonts\. To view this site the way it was meant to be viewed, you must download and install the font. This website uses the font Calligraphic 421 BT.All remaining pages have been changed to fit the new format of the site, and been edited for spelling, grammar, and correctness.A few pages removed from the site (simply because I felt that they weren't adding anything, or because they were from earlier versions).The old news from version 2.0 and 1.0 of the site has been put into one text file for easy access.Of course, the main change is in the HTML code it is more streamlined and easier to update. Easier-to-read text, background image, higher quality image at the top, and adjusted table sizes. It looks a lot like the old one, however I have changed a few visual things. Added "Morrowind Modding Tips" page and a screenshot page to Other Stuff.Added official screenshots of Morrowind and Oblivion to "Screenshots" page, aswell as some personal ones.I realize that I haven't touched this site in a while, but hopefully I will get some time to change that and add some new stuff.Once I get my new RAM and hard drive (I only have 50 MB of space left on this one!) I'll get it installed and be off to work on Fallaran. Got my hands on a copy of Oblivion CE few days ago.This site is dedicated to, the PC games, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Welcome to my Elder Scrolls pages! Be sure to take a look at my upcoming Fallaran mod.

Elder scrolls oblivion font